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Build status


allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' } // This url
// Core module
implementation 'com.github.SanjayDevTech.pexels-android:core:<version>' //(1)

// Paging3 module (optional)
implementation 'com.github.SanjayDevTech.pexels-android:paging3:<version>' //(2)
  1. In the place of <version> you can replace any release tag Eg: 0.0.1
  2. In the place of <version> you can replace any release tag Eg: 0.0.1


Pexels service needs an API Key to work. Get an API key from their official website Pexels

Pexels client

Use Pexels class to get a PexelsClient.

val apiKey = "..."
val pexelsClient: PexelsClient = Pexels.createClient(apiKey)
String apiKey = "...";
PexelsClient pexelsClient = Pexels.createClient(apiKey);

JVM compatibility

It uses Java 17 as source and target compile versions. It requires the projects needs to be Java 17.

android {
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_17
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_17
    kotlinOptions {
        jvmTarget = '17'
android {
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_17
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_17

BuildConfig (Optional)

The API Keys can be extracted from public git repo, if it is used in code directly. I suggest to create secrets file and integrating into your projects.

Secrets file

Create a file in root of the project. Make sure you added the entry in .gitignore, so that it won't get committed to git repository.

Paste the api key in file as:
Note: The api key should be enclosed in double quotes.

Extract key

Define the below function getApiKey() in app/build.gradle file.

static def getApiKey(){
    def props = new Properties()
    try {
        props.load(new FileInputStream(new File('')))
        return props['PEXELS_API_KEY']
    } catch(ignored) {
        return "\"\""

And add the API Key in the Build configuration

android {
    buildTypes {
        debug {
            // for debug
            buildConfigField "String", "API_KEY", getApiKey() // This one is newly added
        release {
            // for release
            buildConfigField "String", "API_KEY", getApiKey() // This one is newly added
            minifyEnabled false
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), ''

Access from code

Consume the API Key using the BuildConfig class. This class will be generated after every successful gradle build.

val apiKey = BuildConfig.API_KEY // (1)
  1. This shows error if the project hasn't been build yet.
String apiKey = BuildConfig.API_KEY; // (1)
  1. This shows error if the project hasn't been build yet.

Demo project

I have created a demo project to demonstrate multiple ways to consume the Pexels Android Library. The sample app has been created as a sample module in the Pexels Android Library repository itself.

Even though the sample is fully integrated, it will not contain any API Keys for the project. Follow the above BuildConfig method to add the API key.